Saturday, August 7, 2010


 Dr venkat Ardhanareeshwaram 

Dr ‘Ardhanareeswaram’ Venkat


* Recipient of 
* Honoured by 
‘SIMHATALATAM’ (Lion-headed golden bracelet,
An age-old symbol of highest honour for artists).
* Recipient of
 ‘KANAKABHISHEKAM’ (A gold-coin-shower the age-old ritual of honour for artist’s superior-most by Sri satya Nritya Kalasala, Nuzivid Samstanam).
* Honoured by 
‘CROWNING’ (as a symbol of great honour by Tulasiram Memorial
Cultural organizations).
‘GOLDEN AWARD’ by Malaysia Telugu Sangham, Malaysia.
Best Classical Dancer –2002 by Rasamayi Organisation, Dubai.Crowned with prestigious title ‘Ardhanareeswaram’ which became almost theSurname for Dr.Venkat.‘AWARD OF HONOUR’ by International Minzar Mahostav-2006, Chamba
Himachal Pradesh.
National Grade Artist in Doordarshan (Broadcasting Media).
Top Ranking Artist of Cultural Affairs, Govt. 0f A.P. and Song & Drama Division,
Govt of India.
* Recognised as an out standing Artist by
 ICCR (Govt of India).
* Professional Qualification -
 M.A.(Dance), M.Phil.(Aesthetics),Ph.D.(Dance)
Research Fellow of H.R.D.Govt. of India in Kuchipudi dance form.
Research Fellow of Archives Dept. Govt. of A.P.
Toured Abroad: Taipei, Honkong, Thailand, Dubai, Sharjah,
Malaysia, Singapore and Colombo.
Publications: 1. ‘Puttaparthyvaari Shivatandavam-Natya Sastra Samanvayam’
2. ‘Steps to Liberate the steps’
* Founder-Guru of 
NRITYA DARPANAM, An organization to train up younger
Generation in the field of dance.
* Choreographed nearly 
30 dance ballets right from Yakshagana Tradition to
contemporary apart from many solo performances.

ARDHANAREESWARAM: with the skill of Laya & Abhiyaya, Venkat, Who possesses fine sculpturesque which is a boon to dancers, attracted the audience at various stages, with his Ardhanareeswara, which is an acid test to the ability of the dancers.- Andhra Bhoomi

Mr.Venkat is not only a dancer that could performARDHANAREESWARAM with all supreme energy, dynamic grace, attributes and mesmerized the world with his talent - Khaleej Times, The UAE, Dubai’

Venkat has a fine physique and displayed his ability in the pure dance. He danced into the hearts of the audience – 
‘Times of India, Mumbai’

Venkat executed it confidently with beautiful expressive eyes. His foot work is not only fainttess but also rhythmic and graceful. ... –
Free Press Journal, Mumbai’

His potential not only as a perfect dancer but also a
 Choreographer, has excellent Laya and Innate Grace. Tall and Slim, he has all qualities that go to make a fine dancer. He is full of spontaneity. He was immaculate in displaying the vigorous style of Shivathandavam –Illustrated Weekly’
With a figure that can be the envy of many dancers, lucid eyes, shapely legs and expressions in the manner of Western Bellarina and Alluring gait of his head start, his determination and stamina are indication of a bright future – 
The Hindu, New Delhi’
The expression and exquisite excellence supple movements of his body were fully indicative of the work -
‘The Hindu, Bangalore’

A dazzling Kuchipudi dance performed by Venkat resembled movements exclude a clear masculine touch and not the usual feminine look in a male dancer and his dance movements come with Geometrical precision and his foot work was indicative of his case of execution.

Shiva Thandavam, was the highlight with vigour describing Lord Shiva's cosmic dance as an event which the entire Universal participated – ‘Deccan Chronicle’
Propriety in expression, timely exposition skill in movements without any kind of body bends are well shown in his every turn. In Navarasa Sloka-Extolls us with nine rasas –
 ‘Andhra Jyothi
His exposition is indicative of masculine vigour, and precise and well etched and displayed the Tandava dance of Lord Shiva with some of the intricate karanas depicting the presiding deity Nataraja, in Thillana some accurate pure dance postures with scintillating foot work –
 ‘Indian Express’
He proved himself a great exponent of Kuchipudi dance by his vivid descriptions in Abhinaya, Nritya combine with Rhythm-Tala-Laya & got over whelming praise of all the art lovers – 
Indian Express’

Venkat composes the Jathis and choreographs his ballets keeping the contemporary taste in mind and through this he has successfully defeated the monotony - his versatility in performing delicacy in Shivathandavam and dynamism in Dashavatharams was dazzlingly visible – 
KALIKA VIJAYAM: Propriety in expression, timely exposition skill in movements without any kind of body bends are ell shown in every turn. In Kalika Vijayam extols us with nine rasas - ‘Andhra Jyothi’

PASHUPATAM: exposition is indicative of masculine vigour, and precise and well etched and displayed the tandava dance of Lord Shiva with some of the intricate karanas depicting the presiding diety Nataraja, in Tandaram some accurate pure dance postures with scintillating foot work – ‘Indian Express’

 He proved himself a great exponent of Kuchipudi dance by his vivid descriptions in Abinaya, Nritya combine with Rhythm-Tala-Laya & got over whelming praise of all the art lovers (Lavana Raju kala dance drama) – ‘Indian Express’
Venkat composes the Jathis and choreographs his ballets keeping the contemporary taste in mine and through this he has successfully defeated the monotony – his versatility in performing delicacy in Shivathandavam & dynamism in Dashavatharams was dazzlingly visible – ‘Udayam’

 In the course of the play, an interesting folk dance of the Chenchus was witnessed with a lively temp – ‘Indian express’
 The narrative was interesting not only for its mystified fable carved from the Mahabharata, but also for its colourful presentation with shades of folk music and dance. Choreographed by Venkateswara Rao – ‘The Hindu’

 The choreography by Venkat followed both traditional Kuchipudi and the folk styles of Chenchu dances. Altogether, Pasupatam was a lively show of 70 minutes’ duration. Another attractive and popular dance of Venkat is Ardhanareeswara, in which he, citing the example of First Couple, Uma and Shankara, stresses the point that the male and the female are mutually complementary and the fight about the supremacy of the one over the other is meaningless. Venkat is aspiring to produce similar play us with themes addressing the problems of modern society and correcting misunderstandings, which lead to needless problems and controversies ‘Sruti’

 “Lavanaraju Kala,” a theatrical adaptation from Gurajada Appa Rao’s literary work was recreated by dancer choreographer M. Venkateswara Rao in the form of a ballet. The narrative brought out the essence of the theme in an effective manner - ‘The Hindu’The last scene had all the cinematic effects, like multi-coloured lights, with numerous characters representing the multiplied forms of demon and the goddess wearing masks and holding weapons- ‘The Hindu’
Nritya Darpanam,
Darpan, 16-11-741/D-35,
Moosarambagh, Dilsukhnagar,
Dilsukhnagar, HYDERABAD-36.
Cell. 9849833363,
E mail. Venkey

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Mobile ; 0 9346781399

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